Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Different Perspective

I think the thing many of us like about art is that it is more than just art. It is a perspective. Someones perspective on the world. Art says a great deal about the person who is doing the creating. A slight window into the soul. I love the sky. I love that big blue. Perhaps it is because I am a person who loves the possible. I don't really know. Anyone who spends anytime at all looking at my pictures will realize this is true. A blue sky on a sunny's sheer beauty. I took this picture in, of course Joshua Tree. Devyn and I went walking along a river bend that took us beneath many a tree. Something about the way the sun shone through these branches made me stop and take it all in.


Fruit of the Tree

Took this over the summer. It is from our apricot tree. We had quite a few on the tree this year. Well, when you consider that during the first 5 years of the tree we got a grand total of maybe 10.....the 20-30 we got this year are quite a bit. They were delicious.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Disneyland : A Great Place for Photography

Disneyland is a great place to take pictures. Don't ask me why, it just is. Since I was young, I have always found Disneyland a wonderful place to capture things on film. This is the Pirate Ship that travels the Rivers of America.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

More From Joshua Tree

Nothing to say here.......just wanted to post a pic.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Been Too Long............

About 2 months ago, I got a new job.....well actually, I added a new job on top of my day job as a 2nd grade teacher. I am now also the Junior High Pastor at my church. I love doing both, but it has left little time up until now for blogging about pictures. Well, I have things pretty under control and a good schedule set up for myself, so I may have time to throw a few picture your way. I don't think I have shared this one yet. Flowers from Alaska. I doubt you will find anything more beautiful than summer time in the 49th state.