Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Articles Coming Soon.......

I have been on a bit of vacation for a variety of reasons. Not a literal vacation, but a blogging vacation. My time has been consumed in other areas. But here is a picture to please all three of you that have been longing for more photos. I will write a more in depth article on Monday, and more thereafter. This was taken in Alaska last summer. I am trying to post as many different pictures and places as possible, but with the fact that I have had my digital for only a year, and still so many of my pictures are trapped on slide......well.....hope you are still enjoying the pics.

More to come.........

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dodge and Burn

What is the point of photography??? Well, I suppose it all depends. I think that each person has a different reason and purpose behind each of their pictures. When I capture a picture, most of the time I try to create something that best represents the beauty an order displayed in nature. Of course beauty can be found in things outside of nature as well (i.e. The Lincoln Memorial). The point is, I try to share with the viewer that which I experienced. Early on in my photographic journey, I took a picture and that was it. All of the creation was done prior to the shutter being opened and shut. I was able to create a lot of very satisfying images that way. Still to this day when I take a photo, I try to do as much work as possible before I snap the shot. But I am just now learning how I can now do some work after the fact. I do not think you can make a bad picture a good one after the fact. Most of work should be done up front. But, there are some things that can be done to turn a good picture into a great picture. I have just begun to toy with the "dodge and burn" tools in Photoshop. They either darken or lighten an area of the photo. The above was taken in Alaska ( at about 11:00), but because of the lighting and the way a camera perceives that light, originally all the foreground of the picture was dark. Just one big shadow. Well, I went into Photoshop and using the dodge tool, I lightened up the foreground to reveal what my eye actually saw as the sun set that day. I am not by any means an expert using the tools of Photoshop, but I am learning. I am pretty pleased with the picture at this point. I will keep working though. Below is another example of what I just mentioned. The rocks in the foreground were originally shadowed. The dodge toll helped bring them "back into the light" so to speak.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thunder Head over Joshua Tree

One of the really cool things about living in and near the desert are the thunderheads that form on certain summer days. Awe inspiring things they are. Last summer in Joshua Tree, the day started off with nothing but blue skies, but by around 12:00 the thunder clouds began moving in. Monoliths of moisture. By the time I left at about 2:00 that day, they had opened up allowing their liquid cargo to fall and quench the dry earth. I got this shot about an hour before it began to rain. This cloud just gives me goose bumps everytime I look at it. There is something so darn majestic about clouds like this. They look mountains floating in mid-air. Also, originally a color picture, it was turned black and white thanks to photoshop. I think Ansel Adams would have loved this brave new digital world of photography.

Random Pictures : Water in the Pool

Random Picture today is water in the pool. Looks so refreshing, maybe I should go swimming.

Monday, July 14, 2008

We All Have a Favorite

Whether you take pictures or not, I think most of us have a "Favorite" photo. It is either our favorite because it is aesthetically pleasing or it captures the essence of a memory of an experience or moment (or both). Well, this is my favorite picture. Why you ask??? Well, my favorite place on the planet is Yellowstone National Park. It is beauty personified. It, for me, represents the glory of God's creation. I have visited this wondrous location on two separate occasion. Once with my parents during the summer of 1994. I almost didn't go on that trip. Boy am I glad I did. The other trip was in 1997 by myself. This picture was taken on that first trip. It is of White Dome Geyser. It was a beautiful day, I had not a care in the world, and I just sat by myself next to this beauty. The shame of Yellowstone is that most people that visit the park simply drive through, stop to watch Old Faithful, and then go on their merry way. Those that do are missing out. Missing out on all Yellowstone has to offer. I just sat and watched this geyser erupt more than once. It was amazing. This is still my favorite picture because it represents for me simplicity, calm, peace, stillness. All those things we search for in moments of chaos. If you have never been to Yellowstone......GO!!! I look forward to the day when I am able to return to this, my favorite place, Yellowstone National Park. We all have a favorite. This one is mine.

(Picture below is not mine, but it gives a idea of where I was. I was sitting on the boardwalk you see. The day looked very much like what you see in the picture)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Peaceful Rivers

A few days ago my good friend Rich Kirkpatrick wrote about a place of serenity. Well, I love rivers. There is something so neat about a river. The look, the sound, it brings me peace. Last summer when I was in Alaska I wanted to go fishing. My cousin's husband asked me where and what kind of fishing I wanted to do. I said I didn't care as long as I was near a river. Didn't care if I caught anything. Just get me by a river. I wish I lived closer to a river. I would go hang out there often. But I live in a desert, and there aren't many rivers anywhere to be found near my house. I guess that's why I appreciate those moments I get by a river.

"Let the rivers clap their hands in glee! Let the hills sing out their songs of joy."

Psalm 98:8

Side Note : If you are ever in Soldotna, Alaska on the Kenai Peninsula, go and visit the wonderful folks at Kenai River Brewing Company. Great people.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sunset in San Diego

This is one of my favorite pictures. The colors are great. I remember this sunset so very well. I just sat and watched the sun go down. The colors just appeared.........and WOW!!! Color after color, hue after hue, they just appeared. From bright orange to deep red. The vivid blues to the deep purples. It was amazing. If you have a chance, find yourself a beach, a rocky beach, one covered in tidal pools, and just sit and watch the work of the almighty.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."

Monday, July 7, 2008

My Morning With Abe

All of my best pictures have a story behind them. Each of my pictures is special to me because they bring back emotions and feelings; memories and special moments I have had either alone or with those I hold most dear. My hope when I take any picture is that those who view them will feel that which I felt at the moment the picture was taken. I suppose that is the point of Vision 19:1. Well, let me tell you the story of my morning with Abe. During the summer of 1999 my wife Heather and I (married but 6 months) traveled to Washington D.C. I had been once before when I was 16 and it was Heather's 1st trip to our nation's capitol. I love D.C!!! On day 3 of our stay in D.C. I woke before sunrise and drove into the city. My destination was the Lincoln Memorial. Heather and I had been there the night before. It was a beautiful sight at night, but I wanted to see it once again. The night before my morning venture found the Lincoln Memorial surrounded in a sea of people. Not overly crowded, but there were a lot of people there. The next morning I drove across the river and parked about a mile from the memorial. I really had no idea what I would shortly experience. As I approached, I realized "There is nobody here!!" I passed the Vietnam Wall (another story for another time) and walked the 56 steps toward the statue of Lincoln. There was nobody around. I was all alone. Only me and Abe. It was amazing!!! The memorial is an amazing sight whenever you go, but when you are the only one there, and all is silent, it becomes something a great deal more. I sat on the top stairs that day and watched the sunrise, it's glowing beams lighting up the statue of the man who may be this country's greatest president. It defies description.

I took a great deal of pictures that morning. These are my favorites (There is actually one more I took of the sun rising between the giant columns that greet visitors, but I have yet to scan that into the computer.)

If you ever get a chance to visit Washington, I highly suggest you wake up early and go visit Abe. I can't promise you'll be alone as I was, but in that silence and beauty you will experience something quite special.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Random Pictures Continued : "WHAT IS IT??"

From the random picture file comes.......

"WHAT IS IT????"

Your job, go to the comment section and tell me what you think this is a picture of. Now of course I already know, so I am not sure how random it may or may not be. After a few days (and hopefully a few guesses from my devoted 3 readers) I will tell you the story behind this picture.

So let me know what it looks like to you.

................Tune in tomorrow for the story behind my photo of the Abraham Lincoln Memorial. It is a good one.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Picture of the Day : Flying over Alaska

I don't like flying all that much. It makes me nervous. I think it's because I don't have control of the situation, but that's a different problem for a different blog. Last summer (as I have said before) I flew to Alaska to visit my cousin and her family. Well, for most of the trip, I had a wonderful view of the ocean (I was on the left side of the plane.) but as we approached Alaska, land came into view......and then I saw something that struck me at once with awe and wonder. No longer was I worried about flying, but I was gazing upon a mountain range so immense and majestic, well, words aren't enough to describe. This picture doesn't even begin to describe what I saw. I am pretty amazed though that I was able to get this picture from my seat on the airplane.

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:20

Friday, July 4, 2008

Picture of the Day : Happy 4th of July

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Read the Rest at :

Happy 4th of July

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Slides to Digital : Half Dome, Lower Yellowstone Falls, and Honest Abe

I used to only take slide film. The pictures just flat turned out better. Back when I took pictures with film, I was very picky. I would walk around all day long and maybe take 3 or 4 pictures. It just cost way too much money not to be selective. Now of course with my digital, I am at times quite quick on the trigger. That is a another story for another time though. I recently discovered that my school's scanner has a feature that allows you to scan slides into the computer. So I spent a little time taking some of my favorite shots and transferring them from slide film to digital. The results are quite nice I must say. I am quite certain there are ways to make a better transition, but I will stick with what I have. The picture above of Half-Dome in Yosemite was a color picture that I turned black and white in Photoshop. Not bad. The Abraham Lincoln picture below has a story behind it that I will share at a later date, so check back for that, because it is a good story.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Random Pictures

I recently read an article in a photography magazine called "Turning Over a New Leaf." It talked about setting goals for yourself (in photography). Trying out a certain technique for a whole month, shooting with just one lens setting for a while, or simply taking a single picture everyday for a 365 days. Whatever it is, it will help you get better and break out of some habits you might have acquired along the way. You could extrapolate this kind of exercise to anything. Guitar playing (I have to stop playing that darn pentatonic scale all the time), exercise habits, Starbucks beverages, whatever......

The point is to expand your horizons. So, I have decided to begin taking pictures of things that at first glance don't look worthy of a picture. We all want the picture of the powerfully-huge waterfall, the majestic mountain range, the rushing river, the flower in bloom, the awe-inspiring sunset, or the grandiose monument. But a stop sign?????? Yeah, A stop sign can be a cool shot. So I am going to explore the random this summer. The mundane and everyday. Those things that aren't worth a picture, I am going to forever memorialize them of film (well, digital film anyway.)

More random pictures to come.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

To Crop or Not to Crop???

To crop or not to crop? That is the Question!! Photography is all about taking a lot of information and focusing it. The world that people photo is filled with information. Photography is all about deciding what your subject is. What is it you wish to highlight in your picture and how do you organize the photo to focus the viewer's eye on your chosen subject. Last summer in Homer, Alaska I stood on the shore of the Homer Spit looking out over Kachemak Bay at the Kenai Mountain Range and a boat came into my view. Homer being a "small drinking town with a fishing problem" a boat traveling across the water is not a rare sight. I knew I had an interesting picture, but it wasn't as "focused" as I wanted it to be. I took a couple of pictures none the less to capture the moment. When I got home, I threw the picture above (along with a few others) into Photoshop with the purpose in mind of cropping them in a letterbox style picture. The purpose being to get rid of the needless information and keep only that which would help to highlight my subject. The Mountains, The Water, and of course The Boat speeding across the water. I think we all agree the 2nd picture speaks more profoundly than the one above. So picture what you "want" to see in your head. Take the picture, and when you get home finish the process of creating the picture you imagined. It's O.K.

Picture of the Day : Miss Devyn

For a long time, I resisted taking pictures of people. I thought "No, not very interesting." But then I realized my problem. It wasn't with pictures of people in general. It was the way I saw others take pictures of people. "O.K. everyone, get together. Now say cheese!!" You see most people take pictures of people by trying to turn them into statues and then taking their picture. Well people aren't statues. They are ALIVE!!! So I began to take pictures of them like they were alive. Being who they are. Letting their personality come out. It changed my perception about people pictures, and I think since that point I have captured some great people moments. Here is one I took of my daughter the first day I had my new Cannon Digital Rebel. Of course having the ability to take 3 frames a second doesn't hurt. time you want a great picture of a person, don't turn them into a statue first. Just let them be........ALIVE!!!