"The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies display his marvelous craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make Him known. They speak without sound or word; their voice is silent in the skies; yet their message has gone out to all the earth, and their words to all the world."
Psalm 19:1-4
I spoke on an earlier post about how I love taking pictures at the Zoo, WildAnimalPark, and Sea World. I have read old curmudgeon photographers write and speak about how this is not "Real" wildlife photography. Anyone can do it. Well, that may be true. Taking a picture of an animal in a cage is not the same as taking one of an animal in the wild. I mean, the animal in the cage can't get away from you. I still believe though it is a great way to take pictures of animals for those of us who can't travel the world in search of the Green-Headed Topiary Spider Monkey of lower Peru.
But I do catch myself saying this when I am at the WildAnimalPark......"Hey Look......A Wild Animal!!!!!!" I have run across deer, road runners, snakes, and all sorts of other creatures just wandering through the park.....and I get excited whenever I see them. It is true; taking pictures of animals in a cage is not the same. I must admit that those pictures I have of animals in their "natural habitat" or more important to me then the ones of the caged variety. Probably because I will never be able to recreate that moment. It's there, and it's gone. This little birdie landed on a tree as I wandered through Condor Ridge at the San DiegoWildAnimalPark. He a cute little fella (or fellet.) It was there just a moment. I snapped about 5 pictures as fast as I could. This is the best because I caught the eye (see previous posts).
Random thought. Do you ever wonder where the animals are now that you have taken pictures of??? How they finally met there end??? I do..........but I am weird that way........as well as other ways.
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