All of my best pictures have a story behind them. Each of my pictures is special to me because they bring back emotions and feelings; memories and special moments I have had either alone or with those I hold most dear. My hope when I take any picture is that those who view them will feel that which I felt at the moment the picture was taken. I suppose that is the point of Vision 19:1. Well, let me tell you the story of my morning with Abe. During the summer of 1999 my wife Heather and I (married but 6 months) traveled to Washington D.C. I had been once before when I was 16 and it was Heather's 1st trip to our nation's capitol. I love D.C!!! On day 3 of our stay in D.C. I woke before sunrise and drove into the city. My destination was the Lincoln Memorial. Heather and I had been there the night before. It was a beautiful sight at night, but I wanted to see it once again. The night before my morning venture found the Lincoln Memorial surrounded in a sea of people. Not overly crowded, but there were a lot of people there. The next morning I drove across the river and parked about a mile from the memorial. I really had no idea what I would shortly experience. As I approached, I realized "There is nobody here!!" I passed the Vietnam Wall (another story for another time) and walked the 56 steps toward the statue of Lincoln. There was nobody around. I was all alone. Only me and Abe. It was amazing!!! The memorial is an amazing sight whenever you go, but when you are the only one there, and all is silent, it becomes something a great deal more. I sat on the top stairs that day and watched the sunrise, it's glowing beams lighting up the statue of the man who may be this country's greatest president. It defies description.
I took a great deal of pictures that morning. These are my favorites (There is actually one more I took of the sun rising between the giant columns that greet visitors, but I have yet to scan that into the computer.)
If you ever get a chance to visit Washington, I highly suggest you wake up early and go visit Abe. I can't promise you'll be alone as I was, but in that silence and beauty you will experience something quite special.
I took a great deal of pictures that morning. These are my favorites (There is actually one more I took of the sun rising between the giant columns that greet visitors, but I have yet to scan that into the computer.)
If you ever get a chance to visit Washington, I highly suggest you wake up early and go visit Abe. I can't promise you'll be alone as I was, but in that silence and beauty you will experience something quite special.
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