Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thunder Head over Joshua Tree

One of the really cool things about living in and near the desert are the thunderheads that form on certain summer days. Awe inspiring things they are. Last summer in Joshua Tree, the day started off with nothing but blue skies, but by around 12:00 the thunder clouds began moving in. Monoliths of moisture. By the time I left at about 2:00 that day, they had opened up allowing their liquid cargo to fall and quench the dry earth. I got this shot about an hour before it began to rain. This cloud just gives me goose bumps everytime I look at it. There is something so darn majestic about clouds like this. They look mountains floating in mid-air. Also, originally a color picture, it was turned black and white thanks to photoshop. I think Ansel Adams would have loved this brave new digital world of photography.