Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dodge and Burn

What is the point of photography??? Well, I suppose it all depends. I think that each person has a different reason and purpose behind each of their pictures. When I capture a picture, most of the time I try to create something that best represents the beauty an order displayed in nature. Of course beauty can be found in things outside of nature as well (i.e. The Lincoln Memorial). The point is, I try to share with the viewer that which I experienced. Early on in my photographic journey, I took a picture and that was it. All of the creation was done prior to the shutter being opened and shut. I was able to create a lot of very satisfying images that way. Still to this day when I take a photo, I try to do as much work as possible before I snap the shot. But I am just now learning how I can now do some work after the fact. I do not think you can make a bad picture a good one after the fact. Most of work should be done up front. But, there are some things that can be done to turn a good picture into a great picture. I have just begun to toy with the "dodge and burn" tools in Photoshop. They either darken or lighten an area of the photo. The above was taken in Alaska ( at about 11:00), but because of the lighting and the way a camera perceives that light, originally all the foreground of the picture was dark. Just one big shadow. Well, I went into Photoshop and using the dodge tool, I lightened up the foreground to reveal what my eye actually saw as the sun set that day. I am not by any means an expert using the tools of Photoshop, but I am learning. I am pretty pleased with the picture at this point. I will keep working though. Below is another example of what I just mentioned. The rocks in the foreground were originally shadowed. The dodge toll helped bring them "back into the light" so to speak.


Poetic Painter said...

I love these pictures...they're gorgeous!!!

Unknown said...

Ooh, me likey!!

Sean Sid said...

like the pics. I WANT MORE. i keep checking and i keep on being disappointed